On the night of nights, a thousand nights and one night celebrated actress Ghada Abdel Razek, the wedding of her only daughter Rotana police captain Hamid Shayeb one of the largest halls
فى ليلة من ليالى الف ليلة وليلة احتفلت الفنانة غادة عبدالرازق بزفاف ابنتها الوحيدة روتانا على نقيب شرطة حامد الشايب بأحد اكبر قاعات فندق الفورسيزون على نيل القاهرة فقد بدء الزفاف فى الحادية عشر حتى ان انتهى فى الساعة السادسة صباحا من الساعات الاولى من اليوم الجديد فى حضور نخبة من اهل الفن والسياسة وكرة القدم والاعلام فكان اؤل الحاضرين من الوسط الفنى الفنان محمود ياسين وابنته رانيا وزوجته الفنانة المعتزلة شهيرة والفنان اشرف زكى نقيب الفنانين الاسبق والفنان محمد لطفى والفنان ماجد المصرى والفنانة يسرا والمنتج الفنى محمد السبكى والفنانة الكبيرة رجاء الجدواى والفنانة دلال عبدالعزيز
والفنانة القديرة كريمة مختار وهانى البحيرى مصم الازياء الشهير ومن اهل السياسة الدكتور مصطقى الفقى رئيس لجنة العلاقات الخارجية بمجلس الشعب والكابتن عماد متعب لاعب كرة القدم ونجم النادى الاهلى واحى الحفل الفنان اللبنانى فارس كرم مع فرقة لبنانية قامت بغناء عشرة اغانى فلكلورية لبنانية نالت اعجاب جميع الحاضرين وكان من بين من قاموا بإحياء الحفل الفنان سعد الصغير والفنان حكيم والفنان مصطفى كامل من وكان دور الامن هو الاكثر وضوحا فى تنظيم الحفل حيث كاد ان يكون الحفل ثكنة عسكرية بسبب تواجد افراد الامن بكثافة شديدة طيلة
ساعات الحفل والذين قاموا بمنع اغلب كاميرات التصوير من التقاط صور للعروسان
of Four Seasons Hotel on the Nile Cairo, were the start of the wedding at the eleventh so that ended at six in the morning from the early hours of the new day in the presence of elite from the people of
art and politics and football and the media was Wael attendees of the artistic artist Mahmoud Yassin and his daughter Rania and his wife, artist Isolationists famous artist Ashraf Zaki, chairman artists of former and artist Mohamed Lotfy and artist Majid Egyptian and artist easier and product technical Mohammed Sobky and great artist please Aljdoay and actress Dalal Abdul Aziz and actress Karima Mukhtar Hani Bheiri Msam famous fashion and politicians Dr. Mustqy Fiki Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, the People's Assembly and Captain Imad tired football player and star of Al Ahly Club and greet ceremony Lebanese singer Fares Karam with the Task Lebanese has sang ten songs and folkloric Lebanese won the admiration of all present and was among those They revive the concert artist Saad small and artist wise and artist Mustafa Kamel of the role of security is most obvious in the organization of the ceremony where to be almost the ceremony a military barracks because of the presence security personnel-intensive high for several hours the ceremony and who prevent most of the cameras to take pictures of the Arosan
art and politics and football and the media was Wael attendees of the artistic artist Mahmoud Yassin and his daughter Rania and his wife, artist Isolationists famous artist Ashraf Zaki, chairman artists of former and artist Mohamed Lotfy and artist Majid Egyptian and artist easier and product technical Mohammed Sobky and great artist please Aljdoay and actress Dalal Abdul Aziz and actress Karima Mukhtar Hani Bheiri Msam famous fashion and politicians Dr. Mustqy Fiki Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, the People's Assembly and Captain Imad tired football player and star of Al Ahly Club and greet ceremony Lebanese singer Fares Karam with the Task Lebanese has sang ten songs and folkloric Lebanese won the admiration of all present and was among those They revive the concert artist Saad small and artist wise and artist Mustafa Kamel of the role of security is most obvious in the organization of the ceremony where to be almost the ceremony a military barracks because of the presence security personnel-intensive high for several hours the ceremony and who prevent most of the cameras to take pictures of the Arosan