
فاجأ المهندس نجيب ساويرس الجميع اليوم بالاتفاق المبدئى الذى تم الإعلان عنه ببيع جزء من أسهم موبينيل إلى شركة فرانس تيليكوم وهو ما فتح الباب للتكهنات عن تداعيات هذه الصفقة على السوق بشكل عام وعلى أسهم موبينيل وباقى شركات الاتصالات والمساهمين فيها بشكل خاص
وحذر بعض المراقبين من أن تكون هذه الصفقة مقدمة لشطب شركة موبينيل من السوق الرئيسى على غرار ما حدث مع شركة فودافون فى حين أكد آخرون أن الصفقة ستكون فى صالح سهم الشركة وستدعم أسهم الشركة الجديدة أوراسكوم للاتصالات والتكنولوجيا بالإضافة إلى أن البعض اعتقد أن هذه الصفقة هى بمثابة محاولة لإخراج استثمارات عائلة ساويرس من مصر أو على الأقل تسهيل هذه العملية مستقبلا
محسن عادل نائب رئيس الجمعية المصرية لدراسات التمويل والاستثمار وصف قرار المهندس نجيب ساويرس ببيع جزء من حصة أوراسكوم فى موبينيل لشركة فرانس تيلكوم بالمفاجئ مشيرا إلى أنه قد يكون جاء بهدف توفير السيولة الناتجة من الصفقة واستغلالها فى الخطة الاستثمارية لشركة أوراسكوم للاتصالات المقبلة
وأضاف عادل أن الصفقة ليست نهائية وإنما هو مازال اتفاقا مبدئيا كما أن الجمعية العامة غير العادية لشركة أوراسكوم للاتصالات لابد أن توافق عليها أولا وسيتم انعقادها فى أول مارس المقبل كما أنه لابد أيضا من موافقة الهيئة العامة للرقابة المالية على إتمام الصفقة بعد مطابقتها على قانون سوق المال المصرى والالتزام بالشروط المتعلقة بمثل هذه الصفقات خصوصا وأن المشترى شركة أجنبية
واستبعد عادل أن تكون الأوضاع الراهنة فى السوق المحلية سبباً فى اتخاذ ساويرس قراره بالتخارج من استثماراته فى موبينيل مؤكداً أن المرحلة المتقدمة التى أعلنتها أوراسكوم تعنى أن وجهات النظر متقاربة وإلا انتظر (ساويرس) الفترة المحددة فى اتفاقية التسوية والتى لا تتجاوز 6 أشهر
وقال عادل إن الصفقة ستعيد تقسيم المحافظ على قطاع الاتصالات خاصةً وأن إتمام الصفقة بصورة كاملة قد يعنى فى النهاية الاتجاه لشطب قيد موبينيل من البورصة المصرية كما حدث فى السابق بالنسبة لسهم فودافون كما لفت إلى أن المنطقة قد تشهد خلال الفترة القادمة توافر فرص استثمارية تدعم الاستفادة من السيولة المتاحة لدى الشركة
ومن جانبها قالت منال عبد الحميد المتحدث الرسمى لأوراسكوم للإعلام والتكنولوجيا إن الصفقة التى تمت بين أوراسكوم وفرانس تيليكوم تحافظ على وضع أوراسكوم كشريك فى الشركة المصرية لخدمات التليفون المحمول موبينيل حيث احتفظت بنفس التمثيل فى مجلس إدارة موبينيل وبنفس القوة التصويتية
وأضافت عبد الحميد فى تصريح خاص لـاليوم السابع أن الصفقة تعظم القيمة الاقتصادية لسهم موبينيل لصغار المستثمرين وذلك عند تقديم فرانس تيليكوم لعرض شراء إجبارى
وقال المهندس خالد بشارة العضو المنتدب لأوراسكوم للاتصالات إن صفقة بيع جانب من حصة الشركة فى موبينيل لـفرانس تليكوم ستوفر لأوراسكوم ومساهمى موبينيل نحو 11875 مليار جنيه بواقع 6 مليارات لأوراسكوم و5875 مليار لصغار المساهمين
وأوضح بشارة فى اتصال هاتفى لـاليوم السابع أن قرار البيع بـ20250 جنيه للسهم هو الأفضل لصغار المساهمين وإدارة الشركة لأنه يمثل ضعف سعر السهم الحالى بنسبة ثلاثة أضعاف حيث انخفض سعر السهم فى بعض الأحيان إلى 70 جنيها ما كان سيتسبب بخسائر لصغار المساهمين إذا ما كانت أوراسكوم قررت الاستمرار بأى ثمن خاصة وأنه كان هناك تنويه من جانب فرانس تليكوم بأن طول المدة التى تم فيها فصل السهم بعد البيع لفمبلكوم قد يفقد مساهمين موبينيل خيار البيع الموجود فى عقد الشراكة الحالى ما يصعب معه الاستمرار بأى ثمن والتسبب فى خسارة المساهمين
وأكد العضو المنتدب لأوراسكوم أن الشركة سيكون لها حقوق التصويت بمجلس الإدارة بنسبة 30% إضافة إلى 5% تحتفظ بها الشركة من أسهمها فى موبينيل ما يمكنها من الاحتفاظ بهذه النسبة أيضا بالعلامة التجارية لموبينيل مشيرا إلى أن الصفقة تحقق مصالح جميع الأطراف مع مراعاة عدم الوقوع فى نفس المشكلات التى واجهتها الشركة أثناء نزاعها مع فرانس تليكوم منذ عامين
وأوضح بشارة أن الحكومة ممثلة بوزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والجهات المعنية تتابع الصفقة حيث التقى مسئولو الشركة بوزير الاتصالات الدكتور محمد سالم غير أن بشارة أكد أن الشركتين مازالتا فى مرحلة المفاوضات وأنها اضطرت للإعلان عنها حرصا للشفافية مع صغار المساهمين
ونفى بشارة أن يكون قرار البيع المفاجئ سببه الخسائر التى تعرضت لها موبينيل العام الماضى وعدم تحقيقها أرباحا وقال إن مالكى الشركة لا ينظرون على المدى القصير مدللا على ذلك باستثمار أوراسكوم فى ويند تليكوم الإيطالية رغم خسائر السوق الإيطالى فى ذلك الوقت وتحويلها إلى شركة رابحة
part of the shares of Mobinil to France Telecom which opened the door to speculation about the implications of this deal on the market in general and on the shares of Mobinil and the rest of the telecommunications companies and their shareholders in particular
He warned some observers that this deal is an introduction to the write-off company Mobinil from the main market similar to what happened with Vodafone while others stressed that the deal will be in the interest of the company's shares and will support the shares of the new company Orascom Telecom and Technology in addition to that some think that This deal is an attempt to take out investments Sawiris family of Egypt or at least facilitate this process in the future
Mohsen Adil Vice Chairman of the Egyptian Society for the Study of finance and investment described the decision to Naguib Sawiris to sell part of Orascom's stake in Mobinil to France Telecom surprises pointing out that it may be stated in order to provide liquidity resulting from the transaction and exploitation in the investment plan for Orascom Telecom to come
He just said the deal is not final but it is still a preliminary agreement and the Extraordinary General Assembly of Orascom Telecom must be approved by the first and will be held at the beginning of March next and it also must be approval of the Financial Supervisory Authority to complete the transaction after the match on The Egyptian Capital Market Law and abide by the conditions relating to such transactions especially as the buyer of a foreign company
He ruled out just to be the current situation in the local market a reason to take Sawiris decision Baltforeig of its investment in MobiNil stressing that the advanced stage announced by Orascom means that the points of view very close and only wait (Saoirse) the period specified in the Settlement Agreement which does not exceed 6 months
He just said the deal would split the conservative to the telecommunications sector especially since the completion of the transaction in full may mean in the end trend for the cancellation of the recordation Mobinil Egyptian Stock Exchange as happened in the past for the shares Vodafone he pointed out that the region could see over the coming period the availability of investment opportunities to take advantage of the liquidity support available to the company
For its part said Manal Abdel-Hamid the spokesman for Orascom's information and technology said the deal which took place between Orascom and France Telecom maintains the development of Orascom a partner in the Egyptian Company for Mobile Services Mobinil where she keeps the same representation in the Board of Directors of Mobinil the same voting power
She said Abdul Hamid in a statement the seventh day that the deal maximize the economic value of Mobinil shares to small investors when France Telecom to provide an offer to buy compulsory
Said Khalid Al-Bishara managing director of Orascom Telecom said that the sale of part of the company's share in Mobinil for France Telecom will provide shareholders of Orascom and Mobinil about 11875 billion pounds of which 6 billion and Orascom 5875 billion for small shareholders
The Gospel in a telephone call for the seventh day that the decision to sell to 20250 pounds per share is best for small shareholders and management of the company because it represents twice the current share price increased by three times dropping the share price in some cases to 70 pounds what was will cause a loss of small shareholders if the OCI decided to continue at any cost especially since it was there mention of the France Telecom that the length of time in which the separation of the stock after the sale to Vmblcolm may lose its shareholders Mobinil put option is located in the partnership contract this what makes it difficult to continue at any cost and cause loss of shareholders
The managing director of Orascom the company will have voting rights the board of directors by 30% in addition to 5% held by the Company of its shares in Mobinil what they can to keep this ratio also brand Mobinil pointing out that the deal is in the interests of all parties taking into account not fall into the same problems faced by the company during its conflict with the France Telecom two years ago
The Bichara that the government represented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and stakeholders following the deal where he met with company officials with Minister of Communication Dr Mohamed Salem but Bishara said that the two companies were still in the stage of the negotiations and it was forced to announce it ensure transparency with small shareholders
He has denied that the decision to sell a sudden due to losses suffered by Mobinil last year and not to achieve a profit and said that the owners of the company do not look in the short term demonstrating that the investment of Orascom in the Wind Telecom Italy despite the loss of the Italian market at that time and turn it into a profitable company
He warned some observers that this deal is an introduction to the write-off company Mobinil from the main market similar to what happened with Vodafone while others stressed that the deal will be in the interest of the company's shares and will support the shares of the new company Orascom Telecom and Technology in addition to that some think that This deal is an attempt to take out investments Sawiris family of Egypt or at least facilitate this process in the future
Mohsen Adil Vice Chairman of the Egyptian Society for the Study of finance and investment described the decision to Naguib Sawiris to sell part of Orascom's stake in Mobinil to France Telecom surprises pointing out that it may be stated in order to provide liquidity resulting from the transaction and exploitation in the investment plan for Orascom Telecom to come
He just said the deal is not final but it is still a preliminary agreement and the Extraordinary General Assembly of Orascom Telecom must be approved by the first and will be held at the beginning of March next and it also must be approval of the Financial Supervisory Authority to complete the transaction after the match on The Egyptian Capital Market Law and abide by the conditions relating to such transactions especially as the buyer of a foreign company
He ruled out just to be the current situation in the local market a reason to take Sawiris decision Baltforeig of its investment in MobiNil stressing that the advanced stage announced by Orascom means that the points of view very close and only wait (Saoirse) the period specified in the Settlement Agreement which does not exceed 6 months
He just said the deal would split the conservative to the telecommunications sector especially since the completion of the transaction in full may mean in the end trend for the cancellation of the recordation Mobinil Egyptian Stock Exchange as happened in the past for the shares Vodafone he pointed out that the region could see over the coming period the availability of investment opportunities to take advantage of the liquidity support available to the company
For its part said Manal Abdel-Hamid the spokesman for Orascom's information and technology said the deal which took place between Orascom and France Telecom maintains the development of Orascom a partner in the Egyptian Company for Mobile Services Mobinil where she keeps the same representation in the Board of Directors of Mobinil the same voting power
She said Abdul Hamid in a statement the seventh day that the deal maximize the economic value of Mobinil shares to small investors when France Telecom to provide an offer to buy compulsory
Said Khalid Al-Bishara managing director of Orascom Telecom said that the sale of part of the company's share in Mobinil for France Telecom will provide shareholders of Orascom and Mobinil about 11875 billion pounds of which 6 billion and Orascom 5875 billion for small shareholders
The Gospel in a telephone call for the seventh day that the decision to sell to 20250 pounds per share is best for small shareholders and management of the company because it represents twice the current share price increased by three times dropping the share price in some cases to 70 pounds what was will cause a loss of small shareholders if the OCI decided to continue at any cost especially since it was there mention of the France Telecom that the length of time in which the separation of the stock after the sale to Vmblcolm may lose its shareholders Mobinil put option is located in the partnership contract this what makes it difficult to continue at any cost and cause loss of shareholders
The managing director of Orascom the company will have voting rights the board of directors by 30% in addition to 5% held by the Company of its shares in Mobinil what they can to keep this ratio also brand Mobinil pointing out that the deal is in the interests of all parties taking into account not fall into the same problems faced by the company during its conflict with the France Telecom two years ago
The Bichara that the government represented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and stakeholders following the deal where he met with company officials with Minister of Communication Dr Mohamed Salem but Bishara said that the two companies were still in the stage of the negotiations and it was forced to announce it ensure transparency with small shareholders
He has denied that the decision to sell a sudden due to losses suffered by Mobinil last year and not to achieve a profit and said that the owners of the company do not look in the short term demonstrating that the investment of Orascom in the Wind Telecom Italy despite the loss of the Italian market at that time and turn it into a profitable company