Peace mercy and blessings of Allah
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
فى مفاجاة كبرى من العيار الثقيل للشعب المصرى وخاصة لمرشحى الرئاسة اعلن منذ قليل موقع اليوم السابع عن طريق مصادر مقربة جدا من اللواء عمر سليمان نائب الرئيس المصرى السابق ان اللواء عمر سليمان احد مرشحى الانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية قد انسحب من سباق الرئاسة مساء اليوم الخميس 8 مارس 2012 حيث رفض هذا المصدر الادلاء باسباب الانسحاب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
فى مفاجاة كبرى من العيار الثقيل للشعب المصرى وخاصة لمرشحى الرئاسة اعلن منذ قليل موقع اليوم السابع عن طريق مصادر مقربة جدا من اللواء عمر سليمان نائب الرئيس المصرى السابق ان اللواء عمر سليمان احد مرشحى الانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية قد انسحب من سباق الرئاسة مساء اليوم الخميس 8 مارس 2012 حيث رفض هذا المصدر الادلاء باسباب الانسحاب
ولكنه قال بان الشعب المصرى يعرف من سيختاره فى الانتخابات الرئاسية لان كل شخص فيهم له ميزة ولكن فى الوقت ذاته اعلنت لجنة تاييد اللواء عمر سليمان المؤيدة لترشيحه فى انتخابات الرئاسة المصرية 2012 القادمة انهم سيقومون مؤتمرا غدا الجمعة 9 مارس للضغط على اللواء عمر سليمان لخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية وياتى ذلك القرار قبل فتح باب الترشيح لانتخابات الرئاسة بيومين يذكر ان اللجنة العليا للانتخابات المصرية الرئاسية قد اعلنت عن فتح باب الترشيح للرئاسة يوم السبت القادم الموافق 10 مارس 2012
In the great surprise of the caliber of the people of Egypt especially for presidential candidates announced since a few site on the seventh day by sources very close to General Omar Suleiman Vice President of Egypt former Major General Omar Suleiman a candidate of the presidential elections of Egypt has withdrawn from the presidential race this evening Thursday March 8 2012 he rejected this source to give the reasons for withdrawal but said that the Egyptian people know who he will choose in the presidential election because everyone of them has the advantage but at the same time announced the backing of General Omar Suleiman in favor of his candidacy in the presidential election Egypt in 2012 the next they're going to a conference tomorrow Friday March 9 to pressure Major General Omar Suleiman to run for president of Egypt and the resolution comes before opening the door for nomination for the presidency two days is noted that the Supreme Committee for the presidential elections the Egyptian has announced the opening of the nomination for the presidency on Saturday approved March 10 2012
In the great surprise of the caliber of the people of Egypt especially for presidential candidates announced since a few site on the seventh day by sources very close to General Omar Suleiman Vice President of Egypt former Major General Omar Suleiman a candidate of the presidential elections of Egypt has withdrawn from the presidential race this evening Thursday March 8 2012 he rejected this source to give the reasons for withdrawal but said that the Egyptian people know who he will choose in the presidential election because everyone of them has the advantage but at the same time announced the backing of General Omar Suleiman in favor of his candidacy in the presidential election Egypt in 2012 the next they're going to a conference tomorrow Friday March 9 to pressure Major General Omar Suleiman to run for president of Egypt and the resolution comes before opening the door for nomination for the presidency two days is noted that the Supreme Committee for the presidential elections the Egyptian has announced the opening of the nomination for the presidency on Saturday approved March 10 2012