Name identifies a fetus in the womb of his mother through the iPhone
Put your iPhone
An end to the conflicts that may revolve between the mother and father
On the choice of their child's new name
Where he developed Nathatan Parks
A new property in your iPhone,
Make the right of the fetus to choose a name the people be calling him before he was born
This property is called the kick for you to choose
Meaning that the device contains hundreds of random names
Is then placed mobile device iPhone
Close to the fetus during the operation of this property
Once the device captures a strong kick to the fetus
Stops searching and declares the name
Defined by the embryo Baraklth
Parks said that this application
Devised in order to find an answer to the parents
To respond to a question by the malcontents of their children
Of their names, where parents can
To respond to them then
You who have chosen before born again
Put your iPhone
An end to the conflicts that may revolve between the mother and father
On the choice of their child's new name
Where he developed Nathatan Parks
A new property in your iPhone,
Make the right of the fetus to choose a name the people be calling him before he was born
This property is called the kick for you to choose
Meaning that the device contains hundreds of random names
Is then placed mobile device iPhone
Close to the fetus during the operation of this property
Once the device captures a strong kick to the fetus
Stops searching and declares the name
Defined by the embryo Baraklth
Parks said that this application
Devised in order to find an answer to the parents
To respond to a question by the malcontents of their children
Of their names, where parents can
To respond to them then
You who have chosen before born again
الجنين يحدد إسمه وهو في بطن أمه عن طريق الايفون
وضع جهاز آى فون
حدا للصراعات التي قد تدور بين الأم والأب
حول اختيار اسم طفلهما الجديد
حيث طور ناثاتان باركس
خاصية جديدة في جهاز اى فون ،
تجعل من حق الجنين ان يختار اسمه الذى سيناديه به الناس قبل ان يُولد
وتسمى هذه الخاصية اركل لتختار
بمعنى ان الجهاز يحوي المئات من الأسماء العشوائية
ثم يتم وضع جهاز المحمول آي فون
بالقرب من الجنين اثناء تشغيل هذه الخاصية
وبمجرد ان يلتقط الجهاز ركلة قوية للجنين
يتوقف عن البحث ويعلن عن الإسم
الذي حدده الجنين بركلته
وقال باركس ان هذا التطبيق
تم ابتكاره بهدف ايجاد اجابة لدى الآباء
ليردون بها على تساؤل ابنائهم المتذمرون
من اسمائهم حيث بإمكان الوالدين
ان يردوا عليهم حينها
انتم الذين اخترتموه قبل ان تولدوا