فى مفاجأة كبرى جاء تعليق ورد السفير السعودى بالقاهرة الدكتور احمد عبدالعزيز القطان على المظاهرت التى شهدتها السفارة السعودية بالقاهرة والغاضبة من قبل العديد من القوى السياسية بسبب ما جرى مع المحامى المصرى المحتجز فى السعودية والمعرض للعقوبة بالجلد كان رد السفير ان لايقبل ابدا التطاول على المملكة او على المملكة السعودية من اى كائن ما كان على ارض مصر وان ما يقوم به المصريون الان امام السفارة لن يأتى باى نتائج ايجابية فى هذا الشأننه يرفض تلك الغوغائية والفوضى كما قام بالتصريح انه حتى لو نظم المصريون مليونية جديدة لن يتم الافراج عن المحامى المصرى جاء تلك التصريحات من خلال مداخلته الهاتفية اليوم مع برنامج الحياة اليوم والذى يذاع على قناة الحياة
In a great surprise made the comment received Saudi Ambassador in Cairo Dr Ahmed Abdulaziz Qattan on Almazhard witnessed by the Saudi Embassy in Cairo and angry by many of the political forces because of what happened with Egyptian lawyer detained in Saudi Arabia and the exhibition of the death skin response was the ambassador does not accept never insulting to the Kingdom or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from any object that was on the land of Egypt and that what the Egyptians are now in front of the embassy will not come any positive results in this Connh reject such demagoguery and anarchy as the statement that even if the systems Egyptians Magdy Rady new will not be released for the Egyptian lawyer said the statements of during his intervention with the phone today and life today which is broadcast on Live TV
In a great surprise made the comment received Saudi Ambassador in Cairo Dr Ahmed Abdulaziz Qattan on Almazhard witnessed by the Saudi Embassy in Cairo and angry by many of the political forces because of what happened with Egyptian lawyer detained in Saudi Arabia and the exhibition of the death skin response was the ambassador does not accept never insulting to the Kingdom or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from any object that was on the land of Egypt and that what the Egyptians are now in front of the embassy will not come any positive results in this Connh reject such demagoguery and anarchy as the statement that even if the systems Egyptians Magdy Rady new will not be released for the Egyptian lawyer said the statements of during his intervention with the phone today and life today which is broadcast on Live TV