فى فيديو انتشر على الانترنت ظهر توفيق عكاشه وهو يجلس فى منزله فى حوار مع احدى القنوات الاجنبية وقد كان يلبس جلباباً وبلغه كما قال وقد استعان باحد المترجمين ليقوم بترجمة الكلام له مما يدل على كذب ادعائه بالحصول على شهادة دكتوراه من امريكا
واثناء الحوار اخذ عكاشه يشرح كيف تم فبركة فيديوهاته التى يقوم فيها بتقبيل يد صفوت الشريف كما طلب من المصور تصوير البلغه التى يرتديها وقال انها من التراث المصرى التاريخى القديم ومستوحاه من التاريخ الفرعونى وان انور السادات كان يرتدى واحدة مثلها
وقد اظهر عكاشة فى الفيديو عدم احترام للصحفيينم من جلوسه بشكل غير لائق امامهم وتدخين السجائر ايضا والاستهزاء بكنتهم الاجنبيه
language as he said was assisted by one of the translators to translate the words something which indicates the fallacy of his claim to obtain a PhD from America
During the dialogue taking Okasha explains how it was that the fabrication of His Videos by kissing the hand of Safwat Al-Sharif also asked the cameraman filming Albulgh which he said were worn by the Egyptian historical heritage and inspired by the ancient Pharaonic history and that Anwar Sadat was dressed like one
Akasha has shown in the video for the lack of respect Sahvienm from sitting improperly in front of them smoking cigarettes and also making fun of foreign Pkinthm in the video spread on the Internet that appeared Tawfiq Okasha sitting at his home in an exchange with a foreign channels was wearing a robe and language as he said was assisted by one of the translators to translate the words indicating the claim a lie to get a PhD from America
During the dialogue taking Okasha explains how it was that the fabrication of His Videos by kissing the hand of Safwat Al-Sharif also asked the cameraman filming Albulgh which he said were worn by the Egyptian historical heritage and inspired by the ancient Pharaonic history and that Anwar Sadat was dressed like one
Akasha has shown in the video for the lack of respect Sahvienm from sitting improperly in front of them smoking cigarettes and also making fun of foreign Pkinthm