2011-08-28 | مدونة شبكة العالم

تعليقات كومدية ساخر على بعد طرد تركيا سفير اسرئيل

 قارن الشباب المصرى اليوم على تويتر بين موقف تركيا والتى قامت بطرد السفير الإسرائيلى نظرا لرفض إسرائيل الإعتذار لتركيا على ماحدث لأسطول الحرية وبين موقف الحكومة المصرية بتخاذلها فى إتخاذ مثل هذه الخطوة التى طالب بها الشباب والعديد من النشطاء السياسيين والأحزاب والحركات السياسية وجاءت المقارنة فى صورة تعليقات ساخرة جدا وهذه بعضها

-محدش عمل مظاهرات فى تركيا عشان طرد السفير الاسرائيلى اردوغان طرده من تلقاء نفسه مش محتاج ضغط عشان يبقى راجل

-ها الحرب بين تركيا واسرائيل امتى؟ مش طردوا السفير؟ الله يبقى الحرب اكيد هتقوم!

-أمال يعني اسرائيل ما ضربتش تركيا بالنووي ولا حاجة ولا امريكا طارت عليهم بالاطباق الطايرة ولا جالهم بواسير ولا كل الحاجات اللي وهمونا بيها

-تركيا طردت السفير ومفيش حرب حصلت بينهم ولا حاجة واحنا رجعنا العلم وقلنا لازم نحافظ على امن اسرائيل القومي خوفا من الحرب!!

-عاجل: الجيش الإسرائيلي يحتل تركيا ويوقف عجلة التنمية كلها ويحرم عفاف التركية من البتزا والريّش رداً على طرد السفير

-أكتر حاجة تخنق فى شعبنا ده اننا نتناقل خبر طرد السفير الاسرائيلى من تركيا بكل برود مع ان السبب اعتداء على سفينة مدنية مش جيش

-لماذا لم يكن موقف مصر كموقف تركيا وذلك بطرد السفير الإسرائلي ؟

-تركيا تطرد ، مصر تبقي و تونس تطبع ، من هم الثائرون ؟ انهم الاتراك وحدهم

-مصر ليست تونس، أقصد مصر ليست تركياغريبة عجيبة لا تصدَّق: تركيا جمّدت اتفاقياتها مع إسرائيل ولم تقم الحرب

- تركيا تطرد السفير الإسرائيلي كدة تونس وتركيا علموا علينا

- بعد ما تركيا طردت السفير الاسرائيلى عرفنا حاجة مهمة انهم شربوا برييل … واحنا لبسنا قطونيل

-تركيا تعطي درساً لمصر و تطرد السفير الإسرائيلي

-تركيا تكتب التاريخ – مصر في فصول محو الأمية

-تركيا طردت السفير الاسرائيلى… ومصر اختارت الفستان البمبى

-فى إيران “رمضان كريم” وفى تركيا “رجب طيب” لكن فى مصر “شعبان عبد الرحيم”

-تركيا قليلة الاصل، تطرد السفير الاسرائيلي اللي واكلين معاه عيش وملح، وضيف عندهم، اخص عليهم، هي دي اخلاق القرية اللي علمها لنا السادات؟

-اردوجان: تلقيت عروضا للانتقال لمصر الموسم القادم مسئول تركي: لا يوجد نيه لبيعه او اعارته ومستمر مع تركيا حتى نهاية عقده

- إن شاء الله هنطرد السفير إحنا كمانلو لم أكن مصريا لودت أن أكون تركيا

Compare Egyptian youth day on Twitter between the position of Turkey, which the ambassador's expulsion due to Israel's refusal to apologize to Turkey for what happened to the flotilla and the attitude of the Egyptian government inaction in taking such a step demanded by the young people and many political activists, political parties and movements came the comparison in the form of comments ironic This is some very

- Mahdsh work demonstrations in Turkey to expel the Israeli ambassador Ashan .. Erdogan sent off on his own .. not needy pressure remains footmen Ashan

- Behold, the war between Turkey and Israel Emeti? Not expelled the ambassador? God, the war remains downright Htqom!.

- Amal means Israel is not Balnowi Dharbch Turkey does not need America, flew them in dishes Tayrh Jalhm hemorrhoids and not all needs and Old Hmuna omitted.

- Turkey expelled Ambassador Mvic war got them and we do not need science and we came back we needed to maintain the national security of Israel for fear of war!!.

- Urgent: Israeli army occupies and Turkey to stop the wheel of development and are deprived of Afaf Turkish pizzas and feathers in response to the expulsion of Ambassador

- Aktar need people suffocating in de Ntnaql news that we expel the Israeli ambassador from Turkey with all the cooling that is why an attack on a civilian vessel, not the army

- Why did not Egypt's position as a position of Turkey and the expulsion of the Israel Ambassador?

- Expel Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia to keep printed, who are dissidents are? They are the Turks alone.

- Egypt is not Tunisia, Egypt, I mean Turkey is not strange .. strange incredible: Turkey froze its agreements with Israel has not the war

- Turkey expel the Israeli ambassador. Tunisia, Turkey, like that taught us.

- After Turkey expelled the Israeli ambassador knew they drank an important need ... Briel. We dress and we Qtonal.

- Turkey gives a lesson to Egypt and expel the Israeli ambassador

- Turkey write history - Egypt in the literacy classes

- Expelling the Israeli ambassador to Turkey and Egypt ... chose the dress Alpmby

- In Iran "Ramadan Karim" In Turkey, "Recep Tayyip" .. But in Egypt, "Shaaban Abdel Rahim."

- Turkey a few original, expel the Israeli ambassador Old Wakelin Maah live and salt, and a guest with them, Shame on them, is the Old Village de ethics Sadat taught us?

- Erdogan: I have received offers to move to Egypt next season. Turkish official: There is no intention to sell or loan and continuing with Turkey until the end of his contract.

- God willing we are Hntrd Ambassador violin .. if I was not the Egyptians wished to be a Turkey
إقرأ المزيد..

ويكيليكس يفجر مفاجاءة سوزان مبارك كانت مسحيحية وكنت ذو نفوذ كبير

Parts of the document by the Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Ambassador, "Gordon Gray", dated May 18, 2005 number (05CAIRO3807)

- Suzanne Mubarak said that had "played a prominent role within the governmental and non-governmental organizations" which focuses on issues of education and literacy  

فى مفاجأة من العيار الثقيل أكد موقع ويكيليكس wikileaks أن سوزان ثابت إبراهيم زوجة الرئيس السابق محمد حسنى مبارك مسيحية الديانة

أجزاء من الوثيقة التى كتبها رئيس البعثة فى السفارة الأمريكية بالقاهرة السفير جوردون جراى بتاريخ 18 مايو 2005 برقم 05CAIRO3807

-قال إن سوزان مبارك لديها دور بارز داخل المنظمات الحكومية وغير الحكومية التى تركز على قضايا التعليم ومحو الأمية
-وأكد أن سوزان ثابت إبراهيم
قرينة الرئيس السابق حسنى مبارك مسيحية الديانة

-ووصفها بأنها نشيطة وشهيرة وأنها مضيفة كريمة

-وقال أن سوزان تتمتع بـنفوذ كبير فى السياسة الداخلية 

- The firm that Susan Ibrahim
Wife of former President Hosni Mubarak "Christian religion"

- As "an active and popular" and "generous host"

- And said that Susan has considerable influence in domestic politics

نص الوثيقة كما جاء في موقع ويكيليكس (الوثيقة الأمريكية التى جاءت بتاريخ 18 مايو 2005 برقم   

    Viewing cable 05CAIRO3807, THE FIRST LADY'S VISIT TO EGYPT
    UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 04 CAIRO 003807



    E.O. 12958: N/A

    Sensitive but unclassified. Please protect accordingly.

    ¶1. (SBU) Embassy Cairo warmly welcomes the visit of First
    Lady Laura Bush to Egypt. This visit is an opportunity for
    the U.S. to emphasize for the Egyptian public and its
    leadership our concern over the essential societal issues of
    education and literacy. Egypt's first lady, Suzanne Mubarak,
    who has a well-earned prominent role in governmental and
    non-governmental organizations focused in these areas, will
    join Mrs. Bush for much of her program. The program will
    also include an opportunity to meet with some of Egypt's
    prominent women activists.

    Schedule highlights

    ¶2. (SBU) The First Lady's schedule will include events in
    both Cairo and Alexandria. Key components of the Cairo stop
    include a joint TV taping with Mrs. Mubarak of Egypt's
    Arabic-******** version of Sesame Street (Alam Sim-sim),
    interviews with U.S. morning show hosts against the backdrop
    of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Giza, a lunch hosted
    by Mrs. Mubarak for leading women on establishment NGOs, a
    visit to a "one room girls' school" designed to bring girls
    who have been denied educational opportunity back to school,
    an Embassy community "meet and greet," and an Embassy-hosted
    event with leading reform-oriented women. The First Lady's
    visit to Cairo, home to almost 20 million of Egypt's 72
    million inhabitants, will receive wide coverage and provide
    her with a snapshot of educational and women's issues facing
    Egyptian society.

    ¶3. (SBU) The First Lady's second day will focus on
    Alexandria, Egypt's "second city" with its rich Mediterranean
    history. The First Lady will visit a secondary school and
    the Alexandria Library before departing Egypt.

    Suzanne Mubarak

    ¶3. (SBU) Suzanne Mubarak is an active and very public first
    lady. She will be a gracious hostess. Her many public
    appearances in support of charitable causes, including
    frequent overseas trips for international conferences, get
    prominent play in the Egyptian media and she wields
    considerable clout in domestic politics. This is
    particularly true when it comes to promoting education and
    literacy, issues also supported by President Mubarak.

    ¶4. (SBU) Mrs. Mubarak's primary areas of interest focus on
    girls' education, women's rights, literacy, social welfare,
    and health care. She is the head of the Egyptian Red
    Crescent Society (similar to the American Red Cross), the
    National Council for Women, and the National Council on
    Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM), among myriad other titles.
    As the President's wife, she takes on high-profile causes.
    Recently, she took a lead role in getting the large, upper
    class suburb of Heliopolis (where she and President Mubarak
    live) spruced up for the neighborhood's 100th anniversary

    ¶5. (SBU) With a particular emphasis on women's and
    children's issues, Mrs. Mubarak has attended the 1995 Women's
    conference in Beijing, headed the Egyptian delegation to a
    special UN session on Women in 2000, joined prominently in
    the 2001 Arab Women's summit, participated in the 1990 World
    Summit on Children, and has sponsored many literacy and
    education related programs in Egypt. She also has actively
    supported peace initiatives, to include humanitarian efforts
    in support of the Palestinians, including sponsoring caravans
    of basic food supplies during the height of the intifada.

    ¶6. (SBU) Mrs. Mubarak is Christian, while her husband is
    Muslim. She has two children: the single Gamal (in his early
    40's) who is the head of the ruling National Democratic
    Party's Policies Committee and an older son, Alaa who focuses
    on business interests. Married (to former UNICEF official
    Heidi Rasekh), Alaa has not been involved in politics. His
    two sons are President Mubarak's only grandchildren.

    Cairo sites

    ¶7. (SBU) In Cairo, the First Lady will be greeted by
    Suzanne Mubarak at President Mubarak's official palace for a
    short courtesy call before proceeding to a joint taping of
    Egypt's Arabic ******** TV version of Sesame Street, "Alam
    Simsim." The program, which was launched with USAID support
    in 1997, is extremely popular in Egypt and is rebroadcast
    around the Arab world. One of the program's principle aims
    is to promote literacy. Mrs. Mubarak appeared on the program
    in 2003, reading a book to one of the muppet-like characters.

    ¶8. (SBU) After appearing on U.S. TV shows, Mrs. Bush will
    be hosted at the historic Mena House Hotel adjacent to the
    Pyramids. Egyptian Guests at the lunch will include female
    representatives of the boards of various non-Governmental
    organizations that Mrs. Mubarak has taken a leading role in
    promoting. After lunch Mrs. Mubarak will accompany The First
    Lady to the Abu Sir Girls' School. This school, established
    by the NCCM, is part of a country-wide effort to provide
    girls in rural areas the opportunity to attend school. The
    schools use modern curriculum, versus the standard
    memorization used in many Egyptian schools and bring girls of
    different ages together in one classroom with the goal of
    reintegrating them into public secondary schools at age 14.

    ¶9. (SBU) The First Lady will also participate in an Embassy
    community meet-and-greet and an Embassy-hosted event for
    leading women involved in reform in Egypt. These women,
    representing a wide cross-section of society are involved in
    projects ranging from political reform to education.

    Alexandria sites

    ¶10. (SBU) In Alexandria the primary stop will be at the
    Library, known as the "Bibliotheca Alexandrina." The
    library's inspiration is the ancient library built by Ptolemy
    I in ancient Alexandria around 295 BC, which epitomized the
    intellectual splendor of the classical world. In the words
    of Mrs. Mubarak, the Bibliotheca "seeks nothing less than to
    recapture the spirit of the ancient library of Alexandria,
    center of knowledge and of ecumenism of the ancient world."
    Opened in 2002, after a 28-year effort, and at cost of USD
    220 million--mostly donated by foreign governments--the
    building is an architectural and engineering marvel. It
    includes museums and galleries, research facilities and
    auditoria, as well as the largest reading room in the world,
    the size of New York's Grand Central Station. Director
    Ismail Serageldin, a former World Bank Vice President, has
    used the Library to host reform conferences including two on
    reform in the Arab world and seeks to foster its image as a
    "clearing house of progressive ideas." He has an ambitious
    agenda of projects but funding remains a key issue: although
    the library's ****ves are designed to hold eight million
    volumes, they currently have only 350,000.

    ¶11. (SBU) The First Lady will also visit a secondary school
    which is part of the Egyptian Government's efforts to give
    local communities more power over education. This pilot
    school, part of a USAID-funded project, supports modern
    teaching methods and greater input from parents and community
    leaders into the education process, has the potential to
    serve as a model throughout the Arab World.

    Civil society issues facing Egypt

    ¶12. (SBU) Egypt claims a proud history of developing
    democratic institutions, such as an elected parliament
    (People's Assembly and Shura Council, although two-thirds of
    the latter's membership are appointed) and an independent
    judiciary. Yet, the public is becoming significantly more
    vocal about demands for more open governance. Recent street
    protests are departing from the traditional focus on disdain
    for U.S. policies in Israel or Iraq and rather energetically
    pointing to the need for domestic political reform.
    President Mubarak's decision to amend the constitution to
    allow for competitive presidential elections, which has been
    endorsed by the parliament and is on the agenda for a May 25
    referendum, has met with a mix of praise and calls for more
    meaningful reform. The decision opens a new door in a nation
    which has never directly elected its leader. Opposition
    figures, however, point to "high hurdles" governing the
    process of registering candidates.

    ¶13. (SBU) The Egyptian government, in trying to strike a
    balance between demands for political reform and ensuring
    stability, has stated that it will not permit public
    demonstrations to turn violent; many would argue that the
    government is already too restrictive in regulating
    demonstrations. The government's perceived constraints on
    opening the political process too quickly include concerns
    that religiously oriented groups, particularly the powerful
    Muslim Brotherhood (outlawed but partially tolerated), might
    take advantage of that process for their own purposes. The
    tension between public desire for more openness and the need
    for stability will continue to feature in the political
    dialogue in Cairo.

    ¶14. (SBU) Some specific benchmarks that the U.S. would
    welcome are revocation of the emergency law which has been in
    effect for decades, participation of international monitors
    in the upcoming elections (to help bestow international
    legitimacy on the process), expanded religious freedom for
    all faiths, and greater latitude for NGO's to actively foster
    civil society and promote broader participation in governance.

    Economic and regional con****

    ¶15. (SBU) In spite of increased public interest in domestic
    politics this spring, the primary concern of most Egyptians
    continues to be their economic well being. Egypt's new Prime
    Minister, who assumed office last July and is visiting the
    U.S. May 14-20, has embarked on a series of economic reform
    measures that are designed to boost Egypt's prospects for a
    prosperous future. Ongoing reforms include changes in
    customs regulations and the corporate tax code, each require
    a concerted effort to fully implement here in Egypt.
    Business people hope that the long term benefits of these
    reforms will put Egypt on a stronger economic footing; Egypt
    is also hopeful that negotiations for a free trade agreement
    with the U.S. are on the near horizon. While working to
    improve the broad economic parameters which drive prosperity,
    the Egyptian government is also reluctant to reduce subsidies
    on basic commodities for its vast population; the people have
    come to expect a certain "boost" from the government and many
    will continue to judge the success of the regime on
    short-term pocketbook issues.

    ¶16. (SBU) The Palestinian issue is the major regional
    political issue influencing Egyptian thinking. Since
    President Sadat's courageous decision to visit Jerusalem in
    1977, Egypt has been more engaged with both sides of the
    Israeli-Palestinian conflict than any other regional player.
    President Mubarak and his cabinet maintain an active dialogue
    with Israeli counterparts and look for practical ways to
    bring security to the Palestinian territories. In the public
    political psyche, the Palestinian issue is as much a domestic
    concern as a foreign policy issue - perceived grievances of
    the Palestinian population resonate deeply in Egypt and the
    Arab world.

    Educational concerns

    ¶17. (SBU) Education is an area in which Egypt faces the
    daunting task of preparing over 600,000 young people annually
    to enter the workforce. The sheer numbers of school children
    nearly overwhelm an education system that many Egyptians
    agree needs extensive modernization. Large portions of the
    national curriculum, despite recent efforts at modernization,
    remain woefully out of date and the public education system
    is plagued by drastic resource shortfalls, a serious capacity
    deficit in its teaching corps, overcrowded and dilapidated
    facilities, and pervasive corruption. Experts agree that
    this system leaves Egyptian graduates ill equipped to compete
    in the global marketplace. USAID's mission in Egypt contains
    a substantial program to address Egypt's educational needs.
    The First Lady will be visiting two schools assisted by USAID
    in a "pilot schools" program that aims to introduce an
    entirely new model for public education in Egypt.

    ¶18. (SBU) Egypt has a tradition of strong women in
    leadership positions that dates back to Pharonic times. The
    First Lady will be meeting with many of Egypt's most
    influential women, many of whom may suggest that Egypt's
    treatment of women is on par with more developed countries.
    However, international studies continue to ******** the
    serious challenges confronting Egyptian women, including
    credible estimates which put female illiteracy as high as 60
    percent. Improvements in the delivery of quality education
    goes hand in hand with the development of a more robust role
    for women in Egypt's future.

    Impact of the visit

    ¶19. (SBU) The First Lady's visit to Egypt will reinforce
    U.S. support for the critical issues of education and
    literacy, will underline our commitment to the region, and
    will present a positive image of U.S. involvement in the Arab
    World. Mrs. Mubarak is looking forward to hosting the visit,
    and the Egyptian Press will devote considerable coverage to
    the two-day visit.

    Visit Embassy Cairo's Classified ***site:

    You can also access this site through the
    State Department's Classified SIPRNET ***site.


    فيما قالت وثيقة أخرى بتاريخ 26 مايو 2005 برقم (05CAIRO3953)

    قالت ان سوزان مبارك عقدت أجتماع سرى يوم 23 مايو 2005 مع زوجة الرئيس الأمريكى لورا بوش
    وليلى كمال الدين صلاح، زوجة وزير الخارجية الأسبق أحمد أبوالغيط فى قصر "الاتحادية"

    وفى هذا الأثناء قامت سوزان ولورا وصور معن جزءاً جديداً من برنامج "عالم سمسم" بصحبة دمية كرتونية اسمها "خوخة" بهدف الحديث عن أهمية القراءة

    نص الوثيقة الثانية بتاريخ 26 مايو 2005 برقم (05CAIRO3953) كما جاء في موقع ويكيليكس:

        Viewing cable 05CAIRO3953, THE FIRST LADY'S VISIT TO EGYPT, MAY 23-24
        UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 CAIRO 003953



        E.O. 12958: N/A


        ¶1. First Lady Laura Bush's May 23-24 visit to Egypt was a
        public diplomacy triumph and contributed significantly to USG
        efforts to promote education, reform, and the role of women.
        In Cairo, her visit included meetings with Egyptian First
        Lady Suzanne Mubarak and prominent female representatives of
        Egyptian civil society. She toured a girls school and filmed
        a segment on promoting literacy on Alam Simsim, the Egyptian
        version of Sesame Street. She highlighted Egypt's cultural
        heritage by taping the American morning shows in front of the
        Pyramids and by touring an archeological site. In
        Alexandria, Mrs. Bush visited a school and the Bibliotheca
        Alexandrina. Press coverage of the visit was generally
        positive. End summary.

        Meeting with Mrs. Mubarak

        ¶2. After being greeted on arrival on May 23 by Mrs. Leila
        Kamal Eldin Salah, wife of Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed
        Aboul Gheit, Mrs. Bush proceeded to the Ittihadiyyah Palace
        for a brief private meeting with Mrs. Mubarak. The two First
        Ladies were then joined by Mrs. Salah, the First Lady's Chief
        of Staff Anita McBride, NEA PDAS Liz Cheney, and Mrs. Connie
        Gray (wife of the Charge) for a meeting.

        Alam Simsim Filming

        ¶3. After meeting at the palace, Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Mubarak
        visited the set of Alam Simsim, the Egyptian version of
        Sesame Street. Established with USAID funding in 1997, Alam
        Simsim focuses on the promotion of literacy and girls'
        education. The two First Ladies filmed a segment with
        Khokha, the three-year-old female muppet, on the importance
        of reading. The segment will be seen by Alam Simsim's
        viewership of eighty-five percent of Egyptian preschoolers
        and fifty-four percent of their mothers. (The current season
        has ended, but the Ministry of Information may seek another
        opportunity to air the segment soon with the two First

        Morning Shows and Women's Lunch

        ¶4. With the Sphinx and two of the Pyramids as a backdrop,
        Mrs. Bush participated in three American network morning
        shows and an interview with CNN. At the nearby Mena House
        hotel, Mrs. Mubarak hosted Mrs. Bush for a lunch with
        prominent Egyptian women. Attendees included the wives of
        ministers, leading academics, and senior representatives from
        the National Council of Women and the National Council for
        Childhood and Motherhood.

        Visit to Girls School

        ¶5. Next, Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Mubarak visited the Abu Sir Girl
        Friendly School in a rural area of the Giza Governorate to
        highlight the importance of providing educational
        opportunities to Egyptian girls previously kept out of school
        for social or economic reasons. The Abu Sir School is a
        model for offering the opportunity for the girls to catch-up
        and eventually re-integrate into regular schools. This
        unique school avoids rote learning and instead focuses on
        encouraging creative thinking. As Mrs. Bush later remarked
        to Embassy staff and to Rod Eichler, the Managing Director of
        Apache Corporation, which funded the construction of the
        school, the Abu Sir School could be a model for
        re-introducing education to girls in Afghanistan.

        Excavation Tour

        ¶6. Mrs. Bush ended her day with a tour of a newly discovered
        excavation site with Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of
        the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. Statues found
        in the excavation lead archeologists to believe that the site
        has never been plundered by tomb raiders. Mrs. Bush held a
        brief press availability at the site.

        Civil Society Meeting

        ¶7. The next morning (May 24), Mrs. Bush held a meet and
        greet with Embassy staff to thank them and their families for
        their government service. Mrs. Bush met with prominent women
        activists, and her formal comments recognized the assembled
        women for their contributions to Egyptian society. Mrs. Bush
        then departed Cairo for Alexandria.

        Al-Seyouf School
        ¶8. Mrs. Bush's first stop in Alexandria was at the Al-Seyouf
        school complex, a model participant in the Alexandria
        Governorate's school reform program and a recipient of USAID
        educational reform funding. During the visit, she
        participated in an English ******** teaching demonstration,
        reviewed library research projects, and listened to
        instrumental and choral music performances. The stop helped
        to publicize USG commitment to educational reform in a
        setting especially appropriate to the First Lady's background
        as a teacher and librarian.

        Bibliotheca Alexandrina

        ¶9. Mrs. Bush then proceeded to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina,
        a massive complex including a library, academic research
        facilities, a conference center, and a variety of
        technologically-advanced cultural heritage preservation
        projects - i.e., the GOE's attempt at resurrecting the
        ancient library of Alexandria. Her guided tour included the
        library stacks, an IT-enhanced project encouraging children
        to read, the antiquities and manu******s collections, and an
        interactive, nine-screen historical and cultural video
        demonstration on Egypt. The visit also included a stop at a
        display commemorating the 2004 signing of the Alexandria
        Declaration, a ******** calling for political and economic
        reform across the Arab world, and the First Lady's viewing of
        Islamic religious manu******s and an electronic, interactive

        Press Reactions

        ¶10. On the evening of May 23, Nile TV reported on Mrs.
        Bush's visit to Alam Simsim and to the Abu Sir Girl Friendly
        School, emphasizing the First Lady's commitment to education
        for young girls and literacy. The following day, Mrs. Bush's
        visits to Alam Simsim and Abu Sir School were replayed on
        Egyptian TV (ETV), along with her visit to the Pyramids and
        her comments at the site. ETV reported on May 25 the First
        Lady's meeting with Egyptian women leaders at the U.S.
        Embassy, as well as her visits to a school in Alexandria and
        the Bibliotheca.

        ¶11. In its May 24 edition, Al-Ahram published a photo above
        the fold of Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Mubarak seated together under
        the headline: "Suzanne Mubarak Receives Laura Bush. The Two
        Attend Taping of Children's Program." The English-********
        Egyptian Gazette published a photo of the two First Ladies at
        Alam Simsim, seated at a table reading with the muppet
        character Khokha. Photos of the two First Ladies at the
        Bibliotheca Alexandrina ran on May 25 with brief articles
        emphasizing the importance of women's role in society.
        Additional photos on May 25 in pro-government dailies
        Al-Ahram and Al-Akhbar showed Mrs. Bush visiting Al-Seyouf
        School and the Bibliotheca.

        Visit Embassy Cairo's Classified ***site:

        You can also access this site through the
        State Department's Classified SIPRNET ***site.

إقرأ المزيد..

جانيت جاكسون تغيبت عن موعد احياء حفل شقيقها مايكل جاكسون

 اعلنت المطربة الأمريكية جانيت جاكسون أعلنت في بيان لها عدم قدرتها علي حضور حفل إحياء ذكري شقيقها ملك البوب الراحل مايكل جاكسونإذ أن موعد الحفل يتزامن مع محاكمة طبيب شقيقها المتهم بقتله

محاكمه الطبيب كونراد مورايالمتهم بإعطاء جاكسون جرعة قاتلة من مخدر البروبوفولوفشله في متابعته بشكل سليمما أدى إلى وفاته في يونيو 2009 المفترض أن تبدأ في 27 سبتمبرومن المرجح أن تستمر من أربعة إلى ستة أسابيع

جانيت جاكسون قالت في البيان: بسبب المحاكمة فإن موعد هذا الحفل لإحياء ذكرى شقيقنا سيكون صعبًا جدًّا بالنسبة ليوفي الوقت الذي يعارض كلاً من راندي وجيرمين شقيقي جاكسون وبعض المعجبين تنظيم هذا الحفلتتحمّس كاثرين والدة الراحلوشقيقته لاتويا للحفلالذي من المقرر أن يقام في الثامن من أكتوبر المقبل

الحفل من المنتظر أن يحضره من الفنانين كلاً من كريستينا أجيليراوسي لو غرينوسموكي روبنسون 

La chanteuse américaine Janet Jackson a déclaré dans un communiqué que leur incapacité d'assister à la commémoration de son frère, le "roi de la pop" Michael Jackson en retard, depuis la date du concert coïncide avec le procès de son frère, un médecin accusé d'avoir tué.

Dr Conrad tribunaux Murray, accusés de donner Jackson une dose mortelle d'anesthésique propofol, et son incapacité à correctement suivi, ce qui conduit à sa mort en Juin 2009 est censé commencer le 27 Septembre, est susceptible de durer de quatre à six semaines.

Janet Jackson a déclaré dans un communiqué: «En raison de l'essai, la date de cette cérémonie pour commémorer la mémoire de notre frère va être très difficile pour moi», par opposition à la fois à Randy et Jermaine frère Jackson et certains fans de l'organisation de cet événement, désireux Catherine son défunt père, et sa sœur Latoya pour la cérémonie, qui qui se tiendra sur le huitième d'Octobre.

La cérémonie devrait être assisté par les deux artistes de Christina Aguilera, Green, Lucy Liu, et Smokey Robinson.

U.S. singer Janet Jackson said in a statement that their inability to attend the commemoration of her brother the "King of Pop" Michael Jackson late, since the date of the concert coincides with the trial of her brother, a doctor accused of killing him.

Dr. Conrad Murray courts, accused of giving Jackson a lethal dose of anesthetic propofol, and his failure to properly follow-up, which led to his death in June 2009 is supposed to begin on 27 September, is likely to last from four to six weeks.

Janet Jackson said in a statement: "Because of the trial, the date of this ceremony to commemorate the memory of our brother will be very difficult for me," As opposed to both Randy and Jermaine brother Jackson and some fans of the organization of this event, eager Catherine his late father, and sister to Latoya for the ceremony, which scheduled to be held on the eighth of October.

The ceremony is expected to be attended by both of the artists from Christina Aguilera, Green, Lucy Liu, and Smokey Robinson.
إقرأ المزيد..

تنزيل اعلان البوم احمد مكى الجديد 2011 راب عربى

قرر الفنان أحمد مكي أنه سيصدر أول ألبوماته في غناء الـراب في فبراير 2012
أصدر مكي أغنية راب بعنوان فيس  
بوكي ليؤكد أن أي أخبار يتم نشرها على لسانه على الموقع الاجتماعي الشهير غير صحيحةمبديا استيائه ممن ينتحل شخصيته ويتحدث مع محبيه هناك 
وفي آخر الكليب أعلن عن موعد صدور أول ألبوماته
يذكر أن لمكي أكثر من أغنية راب أصدرها مسبقاومن المقرر أن يبدأ تصوير أحد أفلامه الذي اختار له اسما مبدئيا حزلئوم في الفضاءوسيشارك مكي البطولة الفنان هشام إسماعيلالذي تألق في شخصية فزاع خلال مسلسل الكبيربالإضافة إلى مخرج العمل نفسه أحمد الجندي
Representative announced that Ahmed Mekki will be issued the first album the vocals in the "rap" in February 2012.

Mackie issued the rap song entitled "Face Bucky" to confirm that any news is posted on his tongue on the famous social networking site is not correct, expressing his displeasure of those who impersonates his character there and talking with fans.

In the last clip announced the date for the issuance of the first album.

It is noteworthy that the Mackie more than a rap song released in advance, is scheduled to begin filming one of his films, who chose his name in principle "Hzeliom in space," and will Makki championship artist Hisham Ismail, who starred in the character of "Fsaa" during the series of large, in addition to the director of labor Ahmed himself the soldier.

Représentant a annoncé que Ahmed Mekki sera publié le premier album de la voix dans le "rap" en Février 2012.

Mackie a publié la chanson rap intitulée "Face Bucky" pour confirmer que des nouvelles est affiché sur sa langue sur le site de réseautage social n'est pas fameuse correcte, en exprimant son mécontentement de ceux qui personnifie son caractère il et parler avec les fans.

Dans le dernier clip a annoncé la date de la délivrance du premier album.

Il est à noter que plus d'une chanson de rap publié en avance Mackie, est prévue pour commencer le tournage de ses films, qui a choisi son nom en principe "Hzeliom dans l'espace", et Makki championnat de l'artiste Hicham Ismaïl, qui a joué dans le caractère de «FSAA" pendant la série de grandes, en plus du directeur du travail Ahmed lui-même le soldat.
إقرأ المزيد..

مشاهدة فيلم عمر وسلمى 3 لتامر حسنى

بداء الفنان تامر حسنى بعد إجازة عيد الفطر المبارك إلى هولندا لتصوير الجزء الثالث من فيلم عمر وسلمى 3  وتدور أحداث الجزء الثالث حول حياة الزوجين من مواقف وأحاسيس ومشكلات الأسرة من إهمال الزوجة ووقوع زوجها فى حب امرأة أخرى وهذه ليست المشكلة الوحيدة التى تواجههما بل هناك أمور أخرى كثيرة تعترضهما
وعن نجاح مسلسل آدم قال إن النجاح الكبير الذى يحققه المسلسل حاليا لم يأت من فراغبل هو نتيجة جهد كبير بذله كل فريق العمل والمصداقية بينه وبين الجمهور التى لم تأت من فراغ 

Tamer Hosni voyage après l'Aïd al-Fitr aux Pays-Bas au cinéma le troisième volet du film "Omar et Salma 3". La troisième section tourne autour de la vie des attitudes du couple et les sentiments et les problèmes familiaux de négligence de la femme et mari de sa chute dans l'amour avec une autre femme et ce n'est pas le seul problème qu'ils rencontrent, mais il ya beaucoup d'autres choses couvrant à la fois.
Et le succès de la série «Adam», a déclaré le grand succès obtenu par la série vient maintenant non pas d'un vide, mais est le résultat de son grand effort de chaque travail d'équipe et la crédibilité auprès du public, qui ne vient pas de vide  

Tamer Hosni travel after Eid al-Fitr to the Netherlands to film the third part of the film "Omar and Salma 3". The third section revolves around the lives of the couple's attitudes and feelings and family problems of neglect of the wife and her husband fall in love with another woman and this is not the only problem they face, but there are many other things covering both.
And the success of the series "Adam," said the great success achieved by the series now comes not from a vacuum, but is the result of his great effort of each team work and credibility with the public, which did not come from vacuum
إقرأ المزيد..

تنزيل البوم عمر دياب الجديد بناديلك تعالى 2011 mp3

تحميل البوم عمر دياب الجديد بعنوان بناديكى تعالى 

اعطى الفنان عمرو دياب ماستر ألبومه الجديد بعنوان بناديلك تعالى إلى شركة روتانا المنتجة لهوحددت الشركة يوم 27 من شهر سبتمبر موعدا لطرحه بالأسواقبعد أن تم تأجيل طرحه خلال عيد الفطر الحالى

ويضم الألبوم حتى الآن 12 أغنيةوهى بناديك تعالى من كلمات تامر حسينوألحان عمرو دياب وهالله هالله من كلمات تامر حسينوألحان عمرو مصطفى ورؤية موسيقية ومشاركة فى الألحان عمرو دياب وألومك ليه من كلمات أيمن بهجت قمروألحان عمرو دياب ومقدرش أنا من كلمات تامر حسينوألحان عمرو طنطاوىوياريت سنك من كلمات بهاء الدين محمدوألحان عمرو دياب وعارف حبيبى من كلمات أيمن بهجت قمر،

وألحان عمرو دياب ويوم ما اتقابلنا من كلمات تامر حسينوألحان عمرو دياب ومعاك برتاح من كلمات أمير طعيمةوألحان أحمد صلاح حسنىوعمرو ديابوهى حياتى من كلمات مجدى النجاروألحان عمرو دياب وتجربة وعدت من كلمات مجدى النجاروألحان عمرو دياب وأغلى من عمرى كلمات مجدى النجاروألحان عادل حقى وعمرو ديابومالى عينيا من كلمات تامر حسينوألحان عمرو دياب بينما قام بالتوزيع الموسيقى للألبوم بالكامل الموزع عادل حقى

ويراهن عمرو دياب بقوة على هذا الألبوم بالتحديد لإعتماده على عناصر الشباب مثل الشاعر تامر حسين فى كتابة أكثر من 4 أغنياتوهو الذى كتب له أغنية وياه من قبلكما قام دياب بتلحين جميع أغنياته عدى أغنية واحدة لعمرو طنطاوىومشاركته فى وضع رؤيته الموسيقية لثلاث أغنياتإضافة إلى اعتماده على الموزع عادل حقى فى توزيع أغنيات الألبوم بالكامل

وحتى الآن لم يتم الإستقرار على أى أغنيات الألبوم التى سيتم تصويرها على طريقة الفيديو كليبوخلال أيام سيقوم دياب بتصير واحدة من أغنيات الألبوم   

The album features so far 12 songs, a "Bnadak meaning" words of Tamer Hussein, and composed by Amr Diab, "and Hallah Hallah" words of Tamer Hussein, and composed by Amro Mustafa and see the music and participate in the melodies Amr Diab, and the "blame Why" written by Ayman Bahgat Moon, and music by Amr Diab, and "Mqdarsh ​​I" from the words of Tamer Hussein, and composed by Amr Tantawy, and "Aarat your age" from the words of Baha al-Din Muhammad, composed by Amr Diab, and "Aref Habibi," written by Ayman Bahgat Amar,

And composed by Amr Diab, and "day Atkablna" words of Tamer Hussein, and composed by Amr Diab, and "Maak Bertah" written by Amir Toaima, and composed by Ahmed Salah Hosny, Amr Diab, and "is my life" lyrics by Magdy al-Najjar, and composed by Amr Diab , and "the experience and promised to" words Magdy al-Najjar, and composed by Amr Diab, and "the most expensive of my life" lyrics Magdy al-Najjar, and music just my right, and Amr Diab, and "financial in-kind" words of Tamer Hussein, and composed by Amr Diab, while the distribution of music for the album fully distributor just my right.

Betting Amr Diab strongly on this album specifically for adoption on the elements of young people such as poet Tamer Hussein in writing more than 4 songs, who wrote his song "Hey" before, as the Diab composed all the songs except one song for Amr Tantawy, and participation in the development of vision music for three songs, in addition to its dependence on just my right distributor in the distribution of songs the album in full.

So far stability has not been any songs on the album, which will be filmed as a video clip, and within days will Diab Ptasir one of songs from the album.
إقرأ المزيد..

تكرر تجربة تزوير انتخبات مجلس الشعب 2010 فى 2011 على يد رفعت قمصان

تكرر تجربة تزوير انتخبات مجلس الشعب 2010 فى 2011 على يد رفعت قمصان   نشرت جريدة البشاير على موقعها الالكترونى خبر يؤكد ان من سيقوم بادارة العملية الانتخابية البرلمانية القادمة سواء لمجلس الشعب او لمجلس الشورى هو اللواء رفعت قمصان جنرال الانتخابات كما يطلقون عليه فى وزارة الداخلية وهو اكبر مزور للانتخابات فى تاريخ الحياة السياسة بمصر فهو الذى قام بتزوير انتخابات مجلس الشعب فى ظل النظام السابق عام 2010 والتى ادت بسببها الى قيام الثورة المصرية لانه لم تفرز معارضا واحد بها بل كانت جميعها الحزب الوطنى الفاسد فقد اكدت الجريدة انه عندما تم سؤال السيد رئيس اللجنة العليا للانتخابات المستشار عبد المعز إبراهيم عن كيف يمكن من جديد اختيار اللواء رفعت قمصان فى تشكيل الامانة العامة للجنة الانتخابية والتى ستشرف على ادارة العملية الانتخابية بالكامل فى مختلف محافظات الجمهورية رغم كم الاتهامات والانتقادات التى هو بصددها فكان رده انه قرار وزير الداخلية واختياره طبقاً للقانون فهو يختار من يمثل وزارة الداخلية باللجنة وعندما تم سؤاله عن رأيه الشخصى فى تواحد اللواء قمصان ضمن اعضاء اللجنة فقال حرفياً «أنا ماعنديش سبب عشان اعترض على ترشيحه أو لدى ورقة تقول إن هذا الرجل غير جدير» وكأن الثورة لم تقم ولم تكن ولم تفعل شىء بالبلاد فمن قام بتزوير ارادة الشعب سيقوم بتزويرها مجددا لانه لن يبقى مزورا فى النظام السابق ويصبح فجأة شريف فى النظام الحالى

Under the title "hell in the revolution .. shirts forged the 2010 elections runs the elections 2011," newspaper published an FMX on its website news confirms that it will manage the electoral process the next parliamentary both the People's Assembly or the Shura Council, Major-General raised the shirts general elections, as they call it in the Ministry of the Interior is more fake election in the history of political life in Egypt is that the rigging parliamentary elections under the former regime in 2010 and which led because of the revolution, the Egyptian because he did not produce an opponent one by, but all were National Party corrupt has confirmed the newspaper that when he was asked, Mr. Chairman of the Committee Electoral Counselor Abdel Moez Ibrahim about how the new selection of Major-General raised the shirts in the formation of the General Secretariat of the Electoral Commission which will oversee the management of the electoral process in full in the various governorates of the republic, despite how many accusations and criticism that is in question and his response was that decision to the Interior Minister and chosen according to the law he chooses of representing the Ministry of the Interior Committee and when he was asked about his personal opinion in Tuahd Brigade T-shirts among the members of the Commission, said the letter «I Maandich reason Ashan objected to his candidacy or the paper says that this man is not to be» as if the revolution did not did not did not do anything in the country, it has forging the will of the people will be rigged again because he will not remain false in the former regime and become suddenly Sharif in the current system
إقرأ المزيد..

نظرة رائى غادة عبد الرزاق للثورة بانها قضت على الحرية

دخلت الفنانة غادة عبد الرازق بين الاسماء التي وضعت فى القائمة السوداء بسبب مواقفها من ثورة 25 يناير  و خلال استضافته من طرف الاعلامية بوسي شلبي على برنامجها  النهارده عيدك  أكدت غادة أن الفنان كأي مواطن آخر يجب أن تكون له اراءه السياسية التي يؤمن بها  و أعلنت عن وجود عدد من المتحولين سياسيا و هي تعرفهم
أما عن الوضع الذي تعيشه البلد في الوقت الحالي فقد أكدت غادة عبد الرازق أن الوضع تأزم  و أن الحرية بدأت تنعدم  بحيث أصبح الناس على درجة كبيرة من الخوف  في ظل وجود صوت واحد مسموح له بالتحدث  في حين أن الرأي الآخر ممنوع من التعبير عن نفسه  و أعلنت أنها اكتشفت وجود عدد من الاصدقاء المزيفين

The actress Ghada Abdel Razek of the names put on the blacklist because of their position from the Revolution on January 25, and during hosted by media Bossi Shelby on its "gambling Aidk" confirmed Ghada that the artist, like any other citizen should have his political views that he believes in , and announced a number of converts is politically and you know.
As for the situation experienced by the country at present has confirmed Ghada Abdel Razek said the situation got worse, and that freedom began to zero, so that the people to a large degree of fear, in the presence of one vote is allowed to speak, while the other opinion is prohibited from expressing for himself, and announced that it discovered a number of friends counterfeiters.

L'actrice Ghada Abdel Razek des noms mis sur la liste noire en raison de leur position à partir de la Révolution le 25 Janvier, et pendant organisé par les médias Bossi Shelby sur son "Aidk jeu», a confirmé Ghada que l'artiste, comme tout autre citoyen doit avoir ses opinions politiques qu'il croit en , et a annoncé un certain nombre de convertis est politiquement et vous le savez.
Quant à la situation vécue par le pays à l'heure actuelle a confirmé Ghada Abdel Razek déclaré que la situation a empiré, et que la liberté a commencé à zéro, de sorte que les gens dans une large mesure de la peur, en présence d'un vote est autorisé à parler, tandis que l'autre opinion est interdit d'exprimer des pour lui, et a annoncé qu'elle a découvert un certain nombre de contrefacteurs amis.
إقرأ المزيد..

وزير الدخلية يوكد لا للوسطة فى اكادمية الشرطة

على لسان اللواء منصور العيسوى  وزير الداخلية اكد انه ستكون هناك ضوابط جديدة تنظم قبول الطلاب باكاديمية الشرطةو اكد ان نظام توزيع الحصص لطلاب اكاديمية الشرطة على المستشارين وأعضاء مجلس الشعب وضباط الشرطة والوزراء انتهى إلى الابد ولن يعود هذا النظام الذى كان يجبر الاكاديمية على تفضيل أهل الثقة عن أهل الكفاءة
كما اضاف العيسوى على أنه لن يكون هناك أى تعنت او حساسية تجاه أى مواطن يحمل أفكاراً واتجاهات مختلفة من أى تيار دينى او سياسى للالتحاق بالأكاديمية مادام هو الأكفأ من غيرهوانه هذا العام قد تقدم للقبول بالاكاديمية 24 الف طالب سيتم اختيار 1000 منهم فقط على اسس تعتمد على الجدارة و الكفاءة فقط دون النظر الى اية معايير اخرى
رد مع اقتباس  

Major Général Mansour Eisawy ministre de l'Intérieur qu'il y aura de nouveaux règlements régissant l'admission des étudiants de l'Académie de police .. et a souligné que le système de rationnement pour les élèves de l'académie de police pour les conseillers et les membres du Peuple, les policiers et les ministres clos à jamais .. Ce système ne sera pas de retour, qui a été forcé de la préférence académique pour le peuple la confiance du peuple d'efficacité ..
Il a également ajouté Essawy qu'il n'y aura pas l'intransigeance ou sensible à toutes les idées des citoyens et des directions différentes de tout courant politique ou religieux pour rejoindre l'Académie tant qu'il est plus efficace que les autres .. et que cette année pourrait offrir d'accepter les 24 000 Académie étudiants seront sélectionnés 1.000 d'entre eux seulement sur les fondée sur la base du mérite et de l'efficacité seulement, sans regarder à tout autre critère ..
Répondre en citant

Maj. Gen. Mansour Eisawy Interior Minister that there will be new regulations governing the admission of students of the Police Academy .. and stressed that the rationing system for the police academy students to counselors and members of the People, police officers and ministers ended forever .. This system will not return, which was forced on the academic preference for the people trust the people of efficiency ..
He also added Essawy that there will not be any intransigence or sensitive to any citizen ideas and different directions of any current political or religious to join the Academy as long as is more efficient than others .. and that this year may offer to accept the Academy 24 000 students will be selected 1,000 of them only on the depends on the basis of merit and efficiency only, without looking at any other criteria ..
Reply with quote
إقرأ المزيد..

قائد السلفين ابوشادى نحن لا نعادى النصارة ولكن يجب ان يدفعو الجزية او يعتنقو الاسلام او الحرب

على لسان ابو شادىفى حوار لة مع صحيفة التحرير اكد القيادي محمد مصطفي المشهور باسم  ابو شادي  ان السلفة كان لها الدور الاكبر في قيام الثورة لانهم كشفوا للشعب ولاء الانظمة العريية للغرب واكد ان السلفيين قاموا بدور  التنوير قبل التثوير  ويؤكد ابو شادي انة كان احد خطباء ميدان التحرير خلال الثورة ويؤكد ان السلفية الجهادية في مصر تصل الي الملايين ويوضح ان الشارع المصري متفق تماما مع السلفيين وان الهجوم عليهم ياتي من جانب اعداء الدين وهي من راية قوي الكفر والصليبة واضاف ان مبارك عادي الاسلاميين لمساعدتة الصليبيبن علي احتال العراق وافغانستان ويقول لا طاعة لمن لا يحكم بشريعة الله ويوضح القادي موقفهم من النصاري قائلا نحن لا نعادي النصاري ولكن يجب عليهم ان يدفعوا الجزية او اعتناق الاسلام او الحرب واشار الي العلمانيين بالقلة ويؤكد امتلاكة لما يكشف حقيقتهم ويجعل الجماهير تضربهم بالنعال ومن موقفة في الصوفية فان الصوفية مرض خبيث وهي خنجر في جسد الامة لابد التخلص منة  

In an interview with the newspaper Liberation said the leadership of Mohammed Mustafa, widely known as "Abu Shadi," The advance has had a major role in the revolution because they are revealed to the people and loyalty systems Aeryah of the West and stressed that the Salafists have the role of "enlightenment before Revolutionizing" The Abu Shadi he was one of preachers Tahrir Square during the revolution and asserts that the Salafi jihadi in Egypt up to millions and explains that the Egyptian street is quite consistent with the Salafists and the attack on them comes from the enemies of religion, one of the banner of a strong disbelief and Saliba, adding that Mubarak normal Islamists to help in Alsalibibn to trick Iraq and Afghanistan, and says there is no obedience to those who do not govern law of God shows Alviade their position on the Christians, saying we do not antagonize Christians, but they should pay tribute or to convert to Islam or the war and pointed to the secular minority of stresses having to reveal the truth, that makes the masses hit them with shoes and stopping in Sufism, the mystical malignant disease is a dagger in the body of the nation must get rid Menna
إقرأ المزيد..

بالصور تركيا تطرد السفير الاسرئيلى من عندها بقرر نهائى

 قررت تركيا بطرد السفير الاسرائيلي من انقرة و قامت بايقاف جميع الاتفاقيات الخاصة بالجانب العسكري بينه و بين اسرائيل و قللت من عدد افراد بعثتها الدبلوماسية في تل ابيب رداً علي ما نشرته الامم المتحدة حول ما قامت بها اسرائيل ضد الاتراك الذين كانوا ضمن بعثة اسطول الحرية و هذا ما صرح به وزير الخارجية التركي وبهذا تكون تركيا نجحت فيما عجزت عنه مصر عندما قامت اسرائيل بقتل جنودها علي ارض مصرية علي الرغم عن ان مقتل افراد من البعثة التركية لاسطول الحرية لم يكن علي ارض تركيا و كان في المياه الدولية الا ان رد تركيا الرسمي كان اقوي من رد مصر الرسمي الذي كان اقل من مستوي رد الفعل الشعبي المطالب بطرد السفير الاسرائيلي و حختي عندما صدر قرار سحب السفير المصري تم التراجع فيه و عدم تنفيذه
صورة احمد دواد اوغلو وزير الخارجية التركي

La Turquie a d'expulser l'ambassadeur israélien à Ankara et à résilier tous les accords sur le plan militaire entre lui et Israël, et a réduit le nombre de membres de sa mission diplomatique à Tel Aviv en réponse au rapport publié par l'Organisation des Nations Unies sur ce qui a été fait par Israël contre les Turcs qui faisaient partie d'une mission de liberté et de la flotte a été annoncé par le ministre turc des Affaires étrangères et donc la Turquie a réussi à a échoué à l'Egypte lors assassinat par Israël de ses soldats sur la terre d'Egypte, en dépit de l'assassinat de membres de la mission turque à la flottille ne pas avoir à la terre de Turquie, a été dans les eaux internationales, mais que la réponse de la Turquie, le fonctionnaire a été plus forte de la réponse officielle de l'Egypte, qui était inférieur au niveau de la réaction du public exige d'expulser l'ambassadeur d'Israël et Hchta lorsque la décision de retirer l'ambassadeur égyptien a été abandonné et le défaut d'exécution

Image de Ahmed Dawood Ihsanoglu, ministre turc des affaires étrangères
إقرأ المزيد..